Thomas Arne
(1710 - 1778)

Arne : What tho' his guilt my heart hath torn (reduced accompaniment) : illustration

What tho' his guilt my heart hath torn (reduced accompaniment)
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This work, Arne : What tho' his guilt my heart hath torn (reduced accompaniment) : scoreid 148691, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at
A song written for a production of The Desert Island (1759). This edition includes a keyboard reduction of the original instrumental accompaniment; a full version is also available.
Lyrics: Arthur Murphy

What tho' his guilt my heart hath torn,
Yet lovely is his mien;
His eyes mild op'ning as the morn
Around each grace is seen.
But oh! Ye nymphs, your loves ne'er let him win,
For oh! Deceit and falsehood dwell within.

From his red lips his accents stole,
More soft than vernal snows;
They melting came, and in the soul
Desire and joy arose.
But oh! ye nymphs, ne'er listen to his art,
For oh! base falsehood rankles in his heart.

He left me in this lonely state;
He fled and left me here,
Another Ariadne's fate,
To mourn the live-long year:
He fled, but oh! what pains the heart must prove,
Revealing thus the crimes of him we love.