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? Delafont
(fl.1545 - 1550)
Haut le bois! Myteine Dondeine
(S.A.T.B. (or A.T.B.B.))
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Haut le bois! Myteine Dondeine
(S.A.T.B. (or A.T.B.B.))
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This work, Delafont : Haut le bois! Myteine Dondeine : scoreid 148735, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at
Pub. 1549. This edition is offered at original pitch for S.A.T.B. or transposed down a third for A.T.B.B.
Lyrics: Anon
Haut le bois! Myteine Dondeine,
Haut le bois! Myteine Dondon.
Mon père et ma mère à Lyon s'en vont
Disant l'un à l'autre qui m'y mariront, Myton.
Si ne m'y marient ils s'en repentiront.
Je serai une amie près de la maison,
Qui sera jolie pour la compagnon.
Bottoms up! Myteine Dondeine,
Bottoms up! Myteine Dondon.
My mum and dad are going Lyon,
Discussing to whom they will marry me there, Myton.
If they don't wed me off there they'll be sorry.
I shall be a stay-at-home friend,
Which will be nice for the b.f.
Haut le bois! Myteine Dondeine,
Haut le bois! Myteine Dondon.
Mon père et ma mère à Lyon s'en vont
Disant l'un à l'autre qui m'y mariront, Myton.
Si ne m'y marient ils s'en repentiront.
Je serai une amie près de la maison,
Qui sera jolie pour la compagnon.
Bottoms up! Myteine Dondeine,
Bottoms up! Myteine Dondon.
My mum and dad are going Lyon,
Discussing to whom they will marry me there, Myton.
If they don't wed me off there they'll be sorry.
I shall be a stay-at-home friend,
Which will be nice for the b.f.