Hubert Waelrant
(c.1517 - 1595)

Waelrant : Un jour passé, bien écoutaie : illustration

Un jour passé, bien écoutaie
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This work, Waelrant : Un jour passé, bien écoutaie : scoreid 148755, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at
Pub. Antwerp, 1558.
Lyrics: Anon

Un jour passé, bien écoutaie
Une fillette secrètement
En lieu secret demènant joie
Qui triomphait joyeusement
Considérant qu'en mariage
Devoit avoir son avantage
Au joli jeu sans insolence.
Dont elle dit en son langage,
"Je suis gai pour Dimanche".

The other day (most serendipitously) I overheard
A chit, behind closed doors,
In a clandestine pleasure-inducing activity
(Concluded with utmost satisfaction!).
She was excogitating that in marriage
She might indulge her predilection
For sexual congress without attracting opprobrium.
On which matter, she propounded, in her idiolect,
"I'm well up for Sunday".