
L'épousé, la première nuit
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This work, Anon : L'épousé, la première nuit : scoreid 148873, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at
Pub. 1534.
Lyrics: Clément Marot

L'épousé, la première nuit,
Rassurait sa femme farouche:
"Mordez-moi" dit-il "s'il vous cuit;
Voilà mon doigt en votre bouche".
Elle y consent, il s'escarmouche,
Après qu'il eut bien déhoussée,
"Or ça", dit-il, tendre rosée,
Vous ai-je fait grand mal ainsi?"
"Alors", répondit l'épousée,
"Je ne vous ai pas mors aussi".

So the bridegroom, on the first night,
Is reassuring his shy wife:
"Bite me", says he "if you feel uneasy,
Here's my pinkie in your gob".
She agrees and he has a skirmish,
Then, after he's withdrawn, he says,
Tender as the dew, "O.K.
Did I hurt you doing that?"
"No worries", says the bride,
I didn't rise to the bait as well".