Thomas Crecquillon
(c.1505 - 1557)

Crecquillon : Ave virgo gloriosa, Cecilia : illustration

Ave virgo gloriosa, Cecilia
(S.A.T.T.B. (or A.T.T.B.B.))
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This work, Crecquillon : Ave virgo gloriosa, Cecilia : scoreid 149018, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at
A motet for St Cecilia's Day published in Opus sacrarum cantionum, Louvain, 1576. This edition is offered at original pitch (high chiavette) for S.A.T.T.B. or transposed down a fourth for A.T.T.B.B.
Lyrics: Anon

Ave virgo gloriosa, Cecilia generosa,
Paradisi vernans rosa, castitatis lilium,
quae sponsum tuum Valerianum
ad fidem convertisti:
Deprecare Jesum Christum,
qui te sibi in sponsam elegit:
ut peccata deleat, pacem tribuat,
morbos auferat, benigne aspiret,
tandemque vitam donet aeternam.

Hail esteemed virgin, noble Cecilia,
flourishing rose of Eden and lily of purity;
thou who turned thy husband Valerian
towards the faith:
Intercede with Jesus Christ
to choose you as his own helpmeet:
so that he might wipe sins away, grant peace,
remove sickness, breathe on us bounteously,
and finally might bestow life everlasting.